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Dive into the world of seamless crypto call channel payments with CallsPayBot! This section will guide you through the initial steps to get your bot up and running.

Installation and Set-Up

Adding CallsPayBot to Your Channel/Group

  1. Search for CallsPayBot: On Telegram, use the search bar to look for @CallsPayBot.

  2. Start a Conversation: Click on the bot's name and then the "Start" button.

  3. Invite to Channel/Group: Go to the desired channel or group, click on the group name > 'Add Member' > type @CallsPayBot > select and add.

Setting Up Permissions

For CallsPayBot to function optimally, it needs certain permissions:

  1. Read Messages: Ensure the bot can read messages to verify payment notifications.

  2. Send Messages: The bot should be able to send confirmation messages and updates.

  3. Add/Delete Messages: This allows the bot to manage payment-related posts effectively.

To adjust these permissions, go to your channel/group settings, select 'Manage Group' > 'Administrators' > @CallsPayBot > adjust the toggles accordingly.


Initial Settings

Once CallsPayBot is added, it's time to tailor it to your needs:

  1. Choose Your Currency: Specify the primary cryptocurrency you'll use for transactions.

  2. Set Your Wallet: Link your crypto wallet to ensure direct and verified transactions.

  3. Notification Preferences: Choose when and how you'd like to receive payment-related notifications.

Adjusting Payment Settings

  1. Payment Threshold: Set a minimum amount for transactions if required.

  2. Refund Policy: Specify any conditions or timeframes for refunds.

  3. Special Discounts or Offers: If you're running any promotions or discounts, configure them here.

That's your initial set-up sorted! With CallsPayBot now integrated into your channel or group, you're all set to revolutionize the way you manage crypto call payments. In the following sections, we'll delve into the advanced features and functionalities that CallsPayBot offers to ensure you make the most of your experience.

Last updated